Saturday 27 February 2010

Web Page Audience Research

To find out more about my audience and their views on websites I added polls to my blog and asked people to answer them.
Not very many people answered this poll even though I posted links on the social networking site Facebook which was the same method I used to collect my other audience feedback.
In all, 16 people answered the poll.
87% who answered were aged 16-21 with 12% aged 28 and above.
43% said that they would visit a film's website because they had seen the trailer. This would be to gather more information on the film and the actors.
25% said the reason why they had visited a film's website was because they had seen a poster promoting the film, 18% said they would visit a website if they had seen the film promoted in a magazine and 12% said that they wouldn't visit a film's website at all.
81% of those who answered the poll said that a website was a good promotional tool for a film although only 6% of those who asked said that they very often visited websites promoting film's but 56% said they sometimes visted the websites.
62% said that a website with the main focus on the trailer would be more beneficial to promote the film and 43% said that information on the film and actors would also be beneficial to the promotion of the film. Only 2% said that extras such as games, activities and downloads would be beneficial.

With this feedback I know to include a main focus on the trailer and information on the film and actors and I can also see that the trailer would be the main reason the audience would visit the website.
This may mean that I should include a fictional website address for my film on the trailer if I have time to go back and edit.
Using the feedback and the codes and conventions I found when conducting my research I will be able to create a website that will look authenic.

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