Monday 15 February 2010

Production of Poster

Draft #1

I began with the images I had taken from the photo shoots and edited them as seen in the previous post. I then adjusted the size of the images to fit a poster and adjusted them when needed.
This is the first draft of the poster. As you can see I have kept a coherent link with the title and the colour scheme of rosy pinks which reflect the genre.

This is the second edit of the poster. As you can see I have added more conventions that have also been used in the posters I have analysed like the actors names, a quote to help persuade the audience to see the film and an additional image to show the storyline of the film.

With the billing block, I used a similar font to that which is used on film posters and adjusted the font size so that the names were the largest text, in order to replicate that of a real billing block.
On my poster, I lightened the colour of the text so it didn't stand out as much as the rest of the text and images. This is to follow the conventions of a typical film poster and not draw attention away from the main images or the title.

Analysis of Poster #1
The size of the poster and portrait format would mean that if this poster were to be used it would most likely be seen at bus stops or in a magazine or newspaper.
The genre of a romantic comedy is represented in the main colour of the poster, pink. Pinks are stereotypically used to represent love and romance. The blue in the left hand heart however, is used to represent the character Alison's feelings towards the main character Tony. The blue is to help represent the fact that she hates him and could also suggest she is the antagonist within the film. The other heart however has a sepia colour used to empathise the fact that Hannah is a memory and to continue a coherence with the style used in the trailer which uses a slow motion effect to symbolise the past. Both hearts are set behind the main character to symbolise the past loves of the main character Tony. The hearts also suggest the relationship of the women to the main character, Tony. The connotation behind the colours of the hearts creates an emphasis, for example, the sepia heart is a warmer colour and the blue is a cold, foreboding colour in comparison.
The main image is of the main character Tony. The acting by the character suggests a decision needs to be made as the expression on his face is of confusion or indecisiveness. The character is also looking into the camera so it looks as if they are looking at the audience. This is a typical convention of images used in romantic comedies.
The title is coherent with the trailer and will be coherent with the website homepage.
Another convention I found in my research that I used on my own film poster was the billing block. It's the same billing block I used in my trailer just adapted to fit in with the conventions I found. The text in the billing block is lighter and the text smaller so that it doesn't take much of the audiences attention from the main image or the title.

Draft 2

Analysis of Poster #2
In this poster, the format is landscape which would suggest it could be used to advertise on a billboard or outside a cinema in the poster cases.
The poster has many similarities with the other, for example the style of the text used in the title, the names of the actors, the billing block and the hearts. Although the hearts are flipped to face the main image of the main character, Tony.
Similar forms are used in both posters; the images, the title, the billing block and the colour pink which is representative of the genre and storyline.
The images provide a narrative in the postitioning, colour and character performances. The main image which is centred on the poster suggests that Tony is the protagonist and the narrative follows him. The image of Tony looking thoughtful tells the audience that he will be making a decision in the film and as he is also looking towards Hannah, the audience will associate it as being a decision on her. The colour used which is to reflect sepia as a representation of a memory suggests that Hannah is someone in Tony's past and because the heart she is in is not touching Tony suggests that she may be out of reach This represents the storyline well as it shows that the main character will be going on a journey to find her.
The other heart, which is a blue and contains his wife Alison, is set slightly behind Tony and he is not facing it which suggests she is the antagonist and an ex or current love who he is leaving. The colour blue represents this well as it suggests a cold and icy relationship.
Other conventions used in this poster which I found when analysing existing products are the names of the actors in the film, billing block, title which is a coherent link between the texts and a tagline.

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