Wednesday 24 February 2010

Web Page Analysis

Valentine's Day Official Website

This style, positioning, location at the top of the text and colour used in the title and the names of the actors in the film is a coherent link which is also used on the poster promoting the film.
However, there are some interactive links like the speaker icon in the light blue circle which plays the soundtrack from the film. In the white circle there is also a navigational link that takes you back to the menu page. This convention also allows the website to have other features that wouldn't be available with the trailer, magazine front cover or the poster.

There are more navigational links in the red circles providing the audience with options and downloads relevant to the film.
The images in the yellow circles are animated and change as the graphics move across to show more links. The images are that of the actors in the film and are relevant to the plotline which follows the lives of different people on Valentine's day.

Here are some more interactive links in the white links. These link to other sites like Facebook. This can be a free promotion because creating a group on Facebook is free and available to everyone who has an account.
The logo of the production company is also featured in the blue circle which is another convention.
In the orange circle there is another interactive feature which allows the audience to control what music from the soundtrack to listen to as they navigate through the site.

This is another coherent link between the three texts; website, trailer and poster as the billing block is featured on all of them. This lists the actors, director, producers and others involved in the production of the film including the logo of the production company.
In the pink circle there is the certificate of the film which is featured on all of the texts too.

500 Days of Summer Official Web Site

The images and title are coherent with that of the posters I analysed earlier in the blog. They are the main focus on the site as they are the first thing that draws the eye. The style of the images are also the same ones used and in the same layout style as the poster.
In the red circle is the navigational sidebar which contains a link to the trailer and an interactive option 'Make your mixtape'.
In the pink circle there is a music player that contains the soundtrack of the film and allows the audience to control what they listen to as they are on the site.

This is featured at the bottom of the page and contains copyright information with links to the 'Private Policy' and 'Terms and Conditions' of the film and production companies.

The Proposal Official Web Site

In the red circle, the trailer of the film plays automatically as the audience goes onto the page. It is the main focus of the page and keeps the audiences attention.
In the green circle there is a coherent image of the two main actors which will help the audience associate all of the promotional texts to the same film.
In the blue circles there are the names of the main actors, a heading of the status of the film and the billing block. These are also coherent with the other promotional texts. These contain information for the audience.
The title is also a coherent feature that links the promotional texts of the film, as well as the colours used on the background and the text.
In the turquoise circle, there is a link to the synopsis of the film to further tell the narrative of the film.
This site differs from the others as it has no navigational sidebar. It also has a simple layout so that the audience isn't overwhelmed by images, colour or focus.

Love Actually Official Website

This layout is simplistic with the main focus on the images in the centre of the page which are separated by a Christmas style bow so that it all resembles a present.
The images are taken from the film and apply some tone for the film.
The title is coherent with the other texts used with this film. It is also centred at the top of the page which follows the conventions of websites.
The navigation is featured on the bottom of the page in the purple circle and provides three options for the audience which includes a link to the trailer. This is also a convention of websites.
It also includes information on the film so the audience knows when they can go to the cinema to see the film, or buy it on DVD.

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