Tuesday 16 February 2010

Front Cover Analysis

Total Film Magazine - Promotional Cover for King Kong (October 2005)

The masthead 'Total Film' is iconic for the magazine in the way that it is recognisable even if partially covered by an image or text. It follows the convention that the masthead is at the top of the cover and stands out so the audience would be able to recognise it on a shelf. The masthead contains the noun 'film' which suggests the ideology and representation of the magazine is film based.
The colour scheme of the front cover is mainly greys which the yellow headlines stand out from. With this colour connotation, the audience can recognise the genre of King Kong as an adventure thriller with romance which can be seen through the image.
The headline 'King Kong' is in a different colour text to the subheadline like the others to the right of the page. This stands out and the headline 'King Kong' links to the main image as they are the stars of the film. The image is of the actors as their characters which can be seen through the clothing they are wearing and the acting.
The features usually found on magazine front covers which include barcode, issue number and date of release and publisher logo are on the Total Film cover.
The image is a two-shot with the two main human characters of the film.

Total Film Magazine - Promotional Cover for Alice in Wonderland (March 2010)

In the masthead, the fact that part of the title 'Total' is inside the other 'Film' emphasises the noun film, making it look more important. This is the genre of the magazine and the main representation.
The pull quote 'Free giant Iron Man poster!' is a promotional device to entice consumers to buy the magazine as it is a unique selling point.
The image is of Johnny Depp dressed as the character 'The Mad Hatter' from the new Tim Burton adaption of Alice in Wonderland. The character is iconic of the story and the rabbit he is holding is also iconic of the story, Alice in Wonderland.
The main image is a medium shot and shows most of the characters clothing which is representative of the film.
Alice in Wonderland is one of 2010's highly anticipated films which has been promoted since Summer last year.
The colour scheme also links with the film. The purple connotes the idea of curiosity and madness which are both iconic of the plot of Alice in Wonderland.

Empire Magazine - Promotional Front Cover for Hellboy 2 (March 2008)

On this front cover the masthead differs from that of other Empire front covers. The lettering of the title is on fire which directly relates to the main image and film article in the magazine. The character on the front cover, Hellboy, is from Hell and so the fire is a representation of that. The dark colours and bold red connote Hell and danger.
The image is a medium-close up shot of the character. This is conventional of magazine front covers and shows the main character.
The main headline links with the image as this is the main feature of the magazine. The subheadlines are of films in the action, adventure, thriller, horror and fantasy genres which the male audience prefers.
The headlines are all in the same font and the subheadlines are also in the same font which uses continuity.

Empire Magazine - Promotional Front Cover for Public Enemies (2009)

The main image is a medium shot of the main character from the film 'Public Enemies' which links the the main headline 'Public Enemies' and the subheadine 'Johnny Depp Steals Summer!'. The headline and subheadlines curve around the image. Down the right hand side of the cover there is a column of images that relate to upcoming films of 2010 which relates to the headline 'First look' and 'Heroes of 2010'. The headline 'first look' provides an unique selling point and the Harry Potter exclusive also provides an unique selling point.
The other images of films relevant to the subheadline are all images from the films they are representing. These are smaller than the main image so they don't take away emphasis from the main article within the magazine.
The main image of the front cover differs from the others I have analysed the character is not looking out of the magazine. This might be because the image has been taken from the film rather than a promotional shot. The blurring of the background of the image suggests this and the fact the character is surrounded by smoke or exhaust fumes.

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