Saturday 13 February 2010

Poster Drafts

In respect to the audience research I have conducted, I can start drafting posters for my promotional package.
I've been rethinking the title of my film from 'The Other Girl?' to 'The One That Got Away'.
'The Other Girl?' gives the ideology that the male protagonist is having an affair. 'The One That Got Away' has a better connotation with the storyline that the male protagonist chose the wrong girl to marry and let the right one get away. It also provides a clichéd title to a romantic clichéd storyline.
I also need to consider taglines.
I have several so far;
'What happens when your happily ever after isn't so happy?'
'What would you do if you married the wrong girl?
'Find them this Summer'
'Tony Brand made a decision. One year later he discovered it was the wrong one.'
'Everyone has a long lost love... But would you try to find them?'
'Midlife crisis or true love?'

Film Title:
The texts must have a coherent link between them, which includes the title.
To create the title I have been experimenting on Photoshop CS3 with the text tools to create these titles.

This is my first attempt on Photoshop. I made 'The One' larger as it is a vital part of the title which is quite long. The colour is similar to what I have been using for the text in my trailer and will be similar to the colours used in my ancillary texts.
Aqua, as a colour, suggests emotional healing which is representative of the film's storyline.

This is similar to the one before but 'The One' is slightly bigger and the colour is different as purple usually connotes romance and nostalgia.

Draft Layouts:

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