Monday 15 February 2010

Photos for Poster

With my draft, I need a medium shot of the main character and two medium shots of the antagonist, the ex wife, and the 'one that got away', Hannah.
These are a collection of the first photographs I took. The lighting was too light in them and so washed out the actors faces and made them look pale. The poses are similar to the ones I want to use for my poster and website but I need to take better and more flattering shots.
Because there were so many I have had to take a selection of them, otherwise there would be several pages of photos and brief descriptions of each one.

These are a few shots from the second photo session. I had a model light here and so this time, the lighting didn't wash out the actor's faces.

With these images of Janey, the one playing Alison, I began to experiment on photoshop.

Above is the original image and below is the Photoshop edited image. As you can see there is a lot of difference as I experimented with colour and modified the colour curve of parts of the image to enhance and lighten the colour. I have also used the clone stamp tool to lighten the skin underneath the eyes.

Second edited photo.

When editing this photo I used the Clone Stamp Tool to lighten the shadows around her eyes and the area above her right cheek.
I also used the Lasso Tool to highlight the blue in her eyes. This was to make them look more defined. First, by making the selection with the Pen Tool, I rendered the eyes and modifyed them by using Feather set at 3 pixels. I then adjusted the colour by adjusting the Colour Curve and setting it so the eyes were a deeper and bolder blue. After that, I used the Dodge Tool to create highlights in the iris and around the pupil and the Burn Tool to darken around the outside of the iris. I then adjusted the pupil by darkening it and then adding a highlight using the Brush Tool. I mimicked this precedure with the other picture of Axel below.

I then began to edit the main image of Axel who plays Tony in my trailer.

With this photo, I also used the method I used with the other photo to make the eyes stand out.
I also lightened the shadows the nose and chin


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