Wednesday 23 September 2009

Task Brief

The task is to create a promotional package for a new film. This will include a teaser trailer and a film poster, and either a film magazine front cover or a homepage of a website for the film, presenting all of my research and planning in this blog.

During the process of this task I will use a silver notebook to keep track of my skill develpments which will be able to help me keep track of what I learn during the process for the end exam.

In my task I shall use the concept of LIIAR. (w/narrative and genre)

L - Language
In this the language and narrative will have to appeal to my audience. The narrative in my trailer will be the narrative enigma which I can present as a stentorian voice (voiceover describing the storyline and characters) or in the form of text i.e. descriptive captions or text over the scene giving information.

I - Institution
The institution will be the production company behind the initial film. This could mean that the institution could be Universal, Warner Brothers, Paramount, 20th Century Fox or Momentum.

I - Ideology
The ideology will be the genre and in my project will be romantic comedies as well as the synopsis. It will be the ideas - stereotypes, modern day problems - in the story line and in the synopsis.

A - Audience
The audience will be researched and be the target audience of the specific genre I have chosen. For example, if I were to chose an action genre it would probably be aimed at young to middle aged men.

R - Representation
The representation is the genre and stereotypes portrayed in the film/trailer. This could refer to the bitchy cheerleader in a teenage romance film or the creepy old man in a horror film.

Narrative is usually shown through a narrative enigma which is where a voiceover is used to tell the main points shown in the trailer and possibly the title and release dates of the film.
The Narrative can also be shown through text.
Narrative usually contains four conventions; Genre, Character, Form and Time.
In a trailer, the narrative usually presents the audience with 'unanswered questions' in order for them to want to see the film to see the resolutions of the story. This persuasive technique is a convention of trailers which can be seen within most trailers.


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