Friday 25 September 2009

Romantic Comedy Genre

Romantic Comedies are a sub-genre of comedy and of romance films. Romantic Comedies can be seen as a hybrid genre as they portray romance in a comedic style.

Most romantic comedies have a similar plot line; there are two protagonists (usually a male and a female) who meet, hit an obstacle or hardship that splits them up (usually an argument) and then reunite in a 'happy ending'.
While the two protagonists are separated, there is a similar plot line wherein either one or both of the protagonists realise that they are in love with each other, one will make a grand gesture to declare their love to the other or there is a chance encounter which is completely coincidental or set up by a supporting character.
10 Things I Hate About You is a good example of this plot line. The film is based on Much Ado About Nothing written by William Shakespeare.

The grand gesture in the film is when Kat (the female protagonist) reads out her version of the poem '10 Things I Hate About You' written about Patrick (the male protagonist) to the English class. In the poem she reveals how hurt she was by Patrick's actions earlier and declares her real feelings towards him. "But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."
At the end of the school day, Kat finds a guitar in her car which Patrick bought her with the money Joey (the agtagonist) paid him. He admits he made a mistake by making the deal but falling for her. The pair kiss and make up.
However, this isn't always the case in romantic comedies. Sometimes the protagonists fall in love with a supporting character. An example of this would be My Best Friend's Wedding. Casablanca is also a good example as in the end, Ingrid Bergman gets on the plane and leaves Humphrey Bogart's character however the two protagonists don't fall in love with other people, they just don't end with each other.

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