Thursday 24 September 2009

Synopsis For My Film Trailer

The film trailer will be promoting a romantic comedy targeting a younger adult and teenage audience. It will appeal to this audience as it is a different view on the usual romantic comedy convention as in the boy looks for the girl. Similar films of the romantic comedy genre in which I will research are 500 Days of Summer, When Harry Met Sally, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 10 Things I Hate About You, Yes Man and He's Just Not That Into You.

The story is from the view point of a thirty-something year old man called Tony who discovers that the woman he thought he loved isn't actually 'the one' he thought she was. She's in fact the opposite of what he thought and he comes to the dreaded realisation that he chose the wrong girl ten years ago when he had to make a choice between the peppy, wants-a-perfect-home, and slightly neurotic woman he married - Alison, and the girl who smiled at anything - Hannah. The one that got away. After Alison files for divorce and his boss fires him because of another man's mistake, Tony begins to feel he chose the wrong life path which is now slowly dwindling to a halt.
Whilst packing some of his stuff to begin to move out of his nearly ex-wife's house he comes across an old letter at the bottom of a drawer from the one who got away. Granted, it was written ten years ago Andy is curious. As he reads it he feels the old feelings he used to have for the woman who wrote it and even more so when he reads the final line - 'if you're single when you are thirty come and find me. I'll be waiting. Love Hannah'.
Tony feels like the letter will turn his life around so he can correct the mistake he made ten years ago. Meeting his employed friends one lunch he tells them his plan; he's going to find Hannah. Both laugh at his idea and think that this is the beginning of a mid-life crisis. Tony, ignoring his friends - Jeremy and Rob - jibes, sets out on a search for Hannah.
Tony starts by looking through the telephone directory, then the internet, then emails to old friends and when none of that works, Tony picks up his car keys and drives to his old neighbourhood and stays at his parents home while he looks for Hannah. There, he discovers Hannah still lives in the little house at the end of the street although when he knocks he finds something he doesn't expect. Hannah hates him for choosing Alison over her and thinks that he's only on her doorstep to re-inflate his ego after his marriage broke apart and ease his initial guilt. She feels betrayed, used and humiliated. She turns him away and Tony feels that the last year of searching for this girl has been a waste of time and effort . He leaves disheartened and even more depressed than when he started. He goes to a bar where Jeremy and Rob are drinking at while he reunites with his long lost love.
Unknown to him, Hannah slips into the bar looking for him after deciding that if he came looking for her he must still have feelings for her. Jeremy and Rob sit and stare as she sits down on the stool next to a moping Tony and introduces herself as if they just met. Tony catches on and reintroduces himself. They catch up and then start again from where they left off ten years previously.

The idea behind my synopsis is the idea that at the end of a romantic film, when the protagonist has to chose between the two, he actually picks the wrong one. I wanted it to be the story after the first 'happily ever after'.

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