Saturday 26 September 2009

Audience Research

For my audience research into the target audience of my chosen genre - Romantic Comedy - I have already created polls on my blog which I will analyse later on. I will also conduct a questionnaire and a survey. This will help me define my target audience.
With these polls I will find out which gender my film trailer will appeal to most and also what they enjoy most about the genre. I will also use a questionnaire with the following questions to better define my audience and their wants from films in the romantic comedy genre. The questionnaire consists of mostly multi choice questions and some that will allow the person to elaborate on the answer so I can analyse the data more efficiently and easily.

  1. What is your age? 10-15 / 16-20 / 21-25 / 25+
  2. Gender? Male / Female
  3. Do you enjoy watching romantic comedies? Yes / No
  4. What do you like about romantic comedies? (Space for own answer)
  5. What do you dislike about romantic comedies? (Space for own answer)
  6. Do you find some romantic comedies emotional? Yes / No
  7. What makes you want to see a romantic comedy at the cinema? Trailer / Cast / Storyline / Review
I had 23 results from the questionnaires and from these I found out that my main audience was women although the main age group given the questionnaires were 16-20. I also found out from the polls on my blog that women were the main audience of romantic comedies.
With my research I have discovered that my main audience for the romantic comedy genre are 16-35 years old and both males and females enjoy the genre.
These are basic questions that I first asked people.

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