Sunday 31 January 2010

Ancillary Texts

As well as the trailer, I must also create two of these ancillary texts:
  • a magazine front cover featuring the film

  • a poster advertising the film

  • a homepage website for the film
To gain more understand of each of these ancillary texts and to help choose between the three, I will conduct research into each text before making my decision and apply LIIAR to each.

Magazine Front Cover.

L - Language

The main image on a film magazine front cover is usually a key convention and feature used through out the genre and usually shows the main actor/character of the main film being promoted in the magazine. The magazine audience will usually recognise the actor on the front cover in order to influence to buy the magazine especially if the consumer is a fan of that particular actor or film.

The Dark Knight was a highly anticipated film of 2008 and made even more popular as it was Heath Ledger's last and legendary performance. Using Ledger in costume would have been a good example of how the convention is used.

I - Institution

The institution is the publisher of the magazine. For example, Bauer Media who publish Empire, Grazia, more!, Zoo, Mother & Baby and many more.

I - Ideology

The ideology is usually the ideas and opinions of the institution. This will be the review from that magazine and the interviews featured.

A - Audience

The audience is the target and main consumer of the magazine. The magazine will usually contain key features or concepts to entice the audience to buy the magazine. For example, some magazines provide 'freebies' in order to sell the magazine to a larger audience.

R - Representation

With the magazine above we can see that the representation of the magazine is shown through images like the main image of the Joker and the headlines. From this we can tell that the magazine represents films rather than beauty through the use of the main image which is used in the posters advertising the film. The face paint Heath Ledger is wearing is iconic of the character from Batman and the gun he is holding also shows the connotations of violence which were featured in the film.
Film Poster.

L - Language

Language is usually shown through connected images or one main image as well as colours and taglines like the one above in The Dark Knight: 'Why so serious?'.

The main image is a face graffited on a wall. The graffiti connotes anarchy which is part of the main characteristics of the villain, the Joker. The lips of the face is made in the shape of the Batman logo which is iconic of the franchise and so will be a key feature to show what this film is about.

The dark colours suggest a seriousness to the film as well as violence which is shown through the red paint which could signify blood. This sets the mood and tone of the film.

I - Institution

The institution is usually the film companies who produce the film. The logos are usually featured on the poster and on the one above, the logos are featured along the bottom of the poster: Warner Brothers, Legendary and DC which holds the rights to and were the creators of the Batman franchise.

I - Ideology

The ideology behind a film poster is to create hype for the film conveyed through the language and representation on the poster. The main idea is to inform and persuade the audience and to create anticipation for upcoming films.

A- Audience

Film posters are usually mass produced and made visible to a large audience with posters on the side of buses or on billboards. This is to help entice those who aren't die hard fans of the franchise and who haven't been kept up to date by magazines or the internet.

R - Representation

The genre is usually represented on the film poster as well as the actors starring in the film.

Colours usually set the tone of the film (eg pinks and reds for a romance, dark colours and reds for an action film) and the actors portraying the characters, their emotions setting the tone too (eg serious for a thriller, happy for a romantic comedy).

Film Website Homepage.

L - Language
Each text from the same film have similar features; colours, images, text/taglines.
The website usually contains the trailer for the film as well as options only available online. For examples; games, sign ups for newsletters, and an option to enter the site which leads to more links.

I - Institution
The institution, the film companies, are also featured within the homepage and sometimes even in the website address like the example above. There is also a link to the film companies main site featured somewhere on the page.

I - Ideology
The ideology is similar to the other two texts; to inform and persuade the audience to see the film.

A - Audience
Because this is on the internet it is available to a much larger audience and allows them to become active in the way they can chose when to view the trailer or find out more about the film. This convergence has allowed wider and cheaper publicity for films in recent years.

R - Representation
Again, this is similar to the other texts as it wants to promote the film.


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