Thursday 22 October 2009

Cast List / Location List / Prop List


Tony - Axel Billingsley
Tony was an uptight character who is motivated to change his life with his one last hope of finding the girl who got away after his marriage with Alison - the woman he chose over Hannah - becomes a divorce case.

The reason why I chose Axel to be the main character was because he was able to act and willing to sing on film. The range of facial expressions was also another factor as many of the shots within my trailer were close-ups which meant that I needed someone who was able to show a range of emotions on their face.
The fact that he can grow stubble was another factor as this could be used within the mise-en-scene to show the fact that his life is collapsing around his ear and he has lost interest with his personal looks.

Alison - Janey Bosker (was Marianne)
Alison is the controlling soon-to-be-ex wife who decides she needs more in life than what Tony gives her. She is career woman who is hit with jealousy once she finds out from Jeremy and Rob that Tony is looking for Hannah.
(Due to some scheduling problems Marianne had to be replaced)

The reason I changed from Marianne to Janey was because Marianne looked quite young and awkward especially in the scene where Tony is leaving for work and Alison kisses him goodbye.
Janey was a better choice because she looked older and didn't look so awkward in the shots. She was also more adaptable and available to come to the location and film the bits she was in.
The reason why I chose Janey is to counter the typical blonde stereotype and recreate one that shows her as cold and calculated rather than dumb.

Hannah - Hannah Wainwright
Hannah is a relaxed woman who has no idea that Tony is looking for her. She is gentle and the complete opposite of Alison.

I chose Hannah because she looks quite young and innocent which would help with creating a flashback scene to a past love. Hannah is also parallel to Janey in looks (ones blond, ones brunette) which would make it simpler to differ the two characters, Hannah and Alison and create a contrast between the two.
I also wanted her character to symbolise a Film Noir stereotype of a femme fatale. This would be a juxta position between the stereotype used in other films and the characteristics Tony remembers of Hannah. A sense of danger would also be created with the mystery behind the character and the fact that Tony is obsessed with finding her.

Jeremy - George Shields-Lount
Jeremy is the cynical, workaholic friend who tries and defers Tony's plans. He fears for his friends thinking that this midlife crisis will send him into a mental crisis.

George was chosen because he looked smart in a suit or office attire. He also looked quite parental and suited the character I had pictured for Jeremy.

Rob - N/A
Rob is the more relaxed friend who thinks finding Hannah is a bad idea but doesn't try and stop Tony as he thinks that it may help him get back on track.

Rob was going to be played by Ed Hawkes but on the day, Ed didn't show up so some changes had to be made. However, I chose Ed because he is laid-back but smart and wise which are the characteristics I wanted for Rob.

Jeremy's Wife/Girlfriend - Claire Thorpe
She isn't happy with Tony's current situation and thinks that if he tries to find Hannah he will be sleeping in her living room for far too long. Although she is sympathetic to him and quite friendly, she's resentful to the fact he's dependent on her and Jeremy.

I chose Claire at the last minute because Ed, the one who was playing Rob, didn't show up. I then had to come up with this new character on the day of filming and she took the lines that were meant for Rob.

Location List.

The park will be the location for the memory sequence in the first scene. This is to highlight a summer romance and connote happy memories.

The park connotes a child-like image which I wanted to use as part of the memory scene. I wanted the location to connote a playful, nostalgic atmosphere.

The bar will be the location for the scenes in which Tony is talking to Jeremy and Rob. This is because of the stereotype that men socialise in pubs and will connote a friendly atmosphere.

Living Room
This location is for the scenes in which Tony is using directories and the internet to find Hannah and also the scenes in which he is mourning the loss of his job and married life. This will show isolation and the characters avoidance of the outside world and reality.

Street - Unknown at the moment
This will be for the running scene. Tony will be running towards Hannah's door and the fast cross cutting will show the urgency and slight mentality of Tony trying to find Hannah.

Prop List.

Box of desk objects
Letter from Hannah
Broken photoframe
Phonebook x4
Address book
Mugs/Pint glasses


Tony- Shirt and tie. Smart trousers. Office look.
Comic book t-shirt and baggy jeans.

Alison- Dressing gown
Smart office look - skirt and blouse
Dress and heels.

Hannah - Summer dress or Winter woolies - hat, scarf, gloves and coat.

Jeremy and Rob - Office look in the bar - shirts and ties.
Plain tops and jeans

Health and Safety Considerations.

Whilst filming, I must consider any health and safety issues that could occur and could cause potential problems with my coursework.
Wiring can cause health and safety problems if someone trips over any loose wires. This could also damage the equipment if they were knocked down.
I need to consider fire risks while filming as well so will need to take precautions like making sure equipment is turned off when not in use and not exposing the electrical equipment to liquid which will also cause damage to the footage as well as the camera.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Friday 2 October 2009


The Wrong Girl? - Screenplay

Scene One
Ext. In a park or wooded area. Day
Point of view of TONY looking at HANNAH, remembering a memory. HANNAH is smiling at the camera shyly and laughing inaudibly. The pace is slow as if to introduce a romantic scene. There is soft focus on the camera to suggest romance. The music played is soft and romantic.

Don’t you believe in true love? Destiny? Fate?

Int. Bar. Day
TONY, JEREMY and ROB are sat at a table near a window. TONY is talking to them, telling them of his plan as he leans on the table. They all have a drink. JEREMY and ROB are wearing smart clothing as if they were on a lunch break from work whereas TONY is wearing a T-shirt and jeans or a loose shirt over jeans.

(Sarcastic and said as he takes a swig of his drink)
Fairy dust?

Scene Two
Ext. House. Morning.
ALISON kisses TONY on the cheek as he leaves for work. This scene shows a cliché of the ideals of married life. They both look incredibly happy and loved up.

Text Block: Tony thought he had the perfect life

Scene Three - Montage
Int. Office. Day
TONY is sat staring into another world as he slowly dumps things from his desk into a big white box. He is not paying attention as he drops pencils and notepads into the box and is sat down looking out.

Text Block: (Centred writing on a baby blue background)
Until he lost his job

Scene Four
Ext. TONY’s home. Evening
ALISON throws a bin bag of clothes out of the front door at his feet and watches as he picks it up. As he walks away she slams the door shut and TONY cringes at the loud bang.

Text Block: And he lost his wife

Scene Five
Int. JEREMY and his wife AMY’S living room.
TONY is singing ‘I Can’t Live (If Living Is Without You)’ by Mariah Carrey into the TV remote or another song with similar ideology.
JEREMY and AMY walk into the room carrying shopping bags. AMY walks in first and sees TONY. She turns back slightly still staring at TONY.


Jeremy. Come here

JEREMY walks in and sees TONY still singing.

What the-

TONY is startled and looks nervous and upset, but still drunk.

Scene Six
Int. JEREMY and AMY’S living room. Day
TONY is opening the bin bag and looking inside it. He finds a broken collectable dish and a flat football as well as creased clothes. Sighing, he digs deeper and find the letter tucked in a ball of clothing that used to resemble his dinner suit. He reads it intently not noticing JEREMY walking into the room.

Looks like she packed it with care

Scene Seven
Int. Bar
TONY is sobering up with a coffee and has a dressing gown on. The bra is left discarded on the sofa. He sits on the sofa, on the letter, which he picks up and reads. TONY is flapping the letter from HANNAH in ROB’S face

I made a mistake with Alison, (pause)……and now I’m going to find her, the one that got away

(Looks concerned)
What do you mean? I thought you loved Alison

Scene Eight – CROSSCUTTING between Seven, Eight and Nine
Phone conversation cutting from ALISON and TONY.
Ext. Outside the house. AND Int. Inside the house.
TONY is on his mobile phone talking to ALISON who is inside the house. The scene cuts from one to the other.

I don’t understand

I’m leaving you

That’s what I don’t understand

What is there to understand? I don’t love you anymore

(sarcastic and bitter)
I don’t care about that. It’s the ‘leaving you’ part I don’t understand. Wouldn’t you be packing your own bags and going to move in with your sister?

Scene Nine (Crosscutting)
Int. Bar. Day/Evening
The conversation is continued as if TONY has just told JEREMY and AMY the phone conversation story.

(with no sympathy. Empathises the text in bold)
I told you it was a mistake on your wedding day

AMY scowls at JEREMY

Scene Ten
Int. JEREMY and AMY’S living room. Evening
TONY is looking through telephone directories and is on his laptop searching for any sign of HANNAH. He has a phone lying next to him and he looks fed up as he finds no luck in another telephone directory.

Okay (pause) thanks anyway

Text Block: How far would you go to find the one that got away?

Scene Eleven

Text Block: Why Would You Look For The One That Got Away?

Ext. Quiet lane/street. Day
TONY is running towards HANNAH’S front door.

Text Block: Love? (Rose coloured graphics)

Ext. Sunny Day.

TONY and HANNAH are looking at each other lovingly as if about to kiss. Light and slightly unfocused to show a dream.

Text Block: Madness? (Messy dark coloured graphics)

Ext. Busy Street.

TONY is stoodstill on a busy street. The cars going past are sped up.

Text Block: Curiousity? (Purple Graphics)

Int. Living Room

The phone is in focus until it starts ringing which introduces a shift in focus so the phone is unfocused and TONY is in focus looking at the ringing phone.

Text Block: Would You Bother? (Blue graphics)

Scene Twelve

Ext. Street

Close up of TONY with a text caption of the actors name

Int. Hallway

Close up of ALISON with text caption of actors name

Int. Bar

Two shot of JEREMY and ROB with text captions of the actors names

Ext. Wooded area

Close up of HANNAH with text caption on actors name. Tilt up to the sky and fades out to the title of the film.

TEXT Block: Title credits of the film ‘The Wrong Girl?’, date of release and billing block.